Monday, August 16, 2010

Bring Back The Draft, Establish A "War Tax"--Let's See Who Really Wants War

I am still disturbed by all those goddamn I Support The Troops stickers.
My attitude can best be illustrated by an experience I had way back at the start of the Iraq war. Some neighbors came to me with the idea of erecting an I Support sign. My response was: "Okay, what do you propose we do to support the troops." This was greeted with blank stares. Apparently, what they proposed doing was erecting a sign.
It seemed to me then and still does now that any such advertisement should have to be earned. In other words, if you claim to support the troops, you should have to actually do something to support the troops: Enlist in the military, join the Red Cross, take a 2nd job in a defense plant, give blood, donate money, send care packages, volunteer with the USO--something.

How will we ever stop our involvement in these insane, unwinnable wars if the only "sacrifice" most Americans need to make is sticking a fucking ribbon on the family car?

1 comment:

anonymouse said...

I got sick of those stickers when they first popped up. If you pay taxes you support the troops. All it really means is: 1) people are still fighting the Vietnam War and want to remind everyone about the supposed ill treatment of returning troops by anti-war types; 2) By supporting the troops you tacitly support their commander, a.k.a. Junior the "smirking chimp". You're right on about the draft. Those chicken shit chicken hawks didn't have the balls to call for a draft because they were afraid it would jump start another anti-war movement. So they just wear out the national guardsmen, enlistees, and their families. Lastly, where would this country be without the war-thirsty Blackwater?