Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yeah, But Does China Have Online Chat Rooms For Pets, Or Drive-Thrus Serving A Hamburger Patty Between 2 Grilled-Cheese Sandwiches Instead Of A Bun?

We let the Japanese beat us at our own game by producing the efficient cars that consumers wanted while Detroit went bankrupt cranking out gas-guzzling relics.
Now we're letting China lead the world in the production of alternative-energy hardware--while we sit on our fat, oil-dependent ass, watching from the sidelines.

Our ingrained conservatism, plus our marriage to Big Oil and Big Coal is killing us. The innovative, pioneering spirit that once characterized this country seems to be now directed solely toward the creation of new forms of Fast Food and Social Networking.


anonymouse said...

I hear ya. But in our defense I would add that we took the innovation of reality (?) t.v. from the europeans and took it to higher levels of saturation.

Joe Karson said...

tv IS our reality. Watching network tv is like volunteering to have a sack of shit dropped on your head--it's a miracle that Americans are as sane as they are.

anonymouse said...

I take it you're not keeping up with the low-down on Lohan.