Friday, June 25, 2010

Still Confused

I have already mentioned my confusion over the difference between lobbying and bribery.
Accordingly, I was happy to hear NPR devoting an entire hour today to this issue. There was an impressive assemblage of experts and I listened carefully to the whole hour. I was left with this:
If a person hangs a sign on his door reading "LOBBYIST" he can pay a legislator for favors. If he neglects to hang the sign, it's bribery.

If anyone can further educate me on this subject, I'm all ears--or all modems, or all whatever-the-hell one is all-of on the Net.


Anonymous said...

I'll answer your question but it will cost you.

Joe Karson said...

I'll pay you when I get my next unemployment check--oops, take an IOU?