Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Global warming skeptics:

1.) Generally, people have a motive for their actions. What would be the motive for scientists around the world (with diverse political, religious, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds) forming a conspiracy to mislead the rest of us?

2.) Why are all those polar bears drowning?

3.) Why are all those coastal villages up here being swamped by rising water? (No one gives a shit about some Eskimos. When New York and Miami are drowning, it will be a different story.)

And most importantly:
4.) Why are my 5 acres of woodland near Fairbanks TURNING INTO A FUCKING LAKE?

1 comment:

woodie said...

I have a theory: I think global warming has increased in direct proportion to the proliferation of cell phones. All that hot air chatter from us humans (especially the ones at Fox News). Right up there with the volume of fartage from cattle.