Thursday, June 18, 2009

Been There, Done That

Department of Deja Vu.
Does anyone remember Lyndon Johnson? He was a reform-minded president with a progressive agenda who got bogged down in a senseless, inherited war.
Starting to sound familiar?


woodie said...

Yeah, I'm old enough to remember LBJ (no, not Lebron James). Do you remember who his Sec. of War, er Defense was? LBJ was surrounded by the usual cast of egomaniacal pols & generals.

Joe Karson said...

LBJ inherited Robt. McNamara from JFK and replaced him in 1968 with Clark Clifford after McNamara resigned. McNamara was the prime mover behind the Vietnam war but, in typical douchebag form, is now busy rewriting histpry to make it sound like he spent the war years hanging out with Joan Baez.

woodie said...

Hmmmm, I don't recall much about Clifford, but wasn't he benign compared to McNamara? My gut feeling is that most of the U.S. right now doesn't give a shit about Iraq or Afghanistan....until July 4, when it's showtime. No, were all too preoccupied by how much $ we lost in our 401Ks to care about the human & financial costs of those 2 shitholes.

Joe Karson said...

There have been many serious, and I believe justified efforts to put these men on trial. Sadly, this could only happen in a climate of worldwide enlightenment that remains a distant dream.
Clearly, Kissinger should join those who were condemned at Nurenberg.