Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Time For Kicking Bad Habits

Obama just announced that he's "kicked the cigarette habit." Congratulations.
Now how about kicking another bad habit--America's habit of backing the wrong side in popular uprisings.
Come on, Barack, you can do it--voice your support for the revolutionaries in Cairo. Be the shining knight of freedom and democracy that people once expected from this country. Be that guy. We backed Mubarak for 30 years but you were no part of that. Come on, go for it!
And screw all that "orderly" and "gradual" crap. Suleiman has proclaimed that "Egypt is not ready for democracy. Change must be gradual." Gradual. What the hell does that even mean--the Egyptian gestapo will arrest and torture a few less dissidents every month they finally go cold turkey?
Come on, Barack--here's your big chance to get on the right side of history and be a hero. Come on!

This revolution has a great chance for success because it's secular, and, more importantly, it has no single leader to take a whiff of power and turn into a megalomaniac monster--as has been the fate of most modern revolutions.
The Egyptian quest for a true democracy might actually work and we need to fully support it.

Come on, Barack--take your head out of your policy-wonk ass and walk like an Egyptian. Or at least like the sort of American president that the world has hoped for.

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