Thursday, February 3, 2011

He's Talkin' The Talk, But Will Obama Walk Like An Egyptian?

The new events in Cairo are hardly surprising. Fascists like Mubarak seldom give up power without a fight.
And Washington neo-cons and the pro-Israel Religious Right are going to be reluctant to give up Mubarak without a fight.

It's really hilarious watching the McConnell/Boehner gang of hypocritical assclowns suddenly claiming that they "trust Obama to make his own decisions on Egypt." In other words, they know that the president is in a tight spot. Whatever he does, he will piss off a certain block of American voters and they want no part of it. The main concern of these jackals is not American policy but making political hay if it fails. This is the new conservative version of "patriotism."

What I hope Obama does is--nothing. Egyptians have the right to determine their own future without our meddling. Whatever happens, the world will certainly be better off without Mubarak.
Wait a minute! There isn't a Hosni Dubya Mubarak back home, is there?

1 comment:

anonymouse said...

Best way to get the shah of egypt outta there sans violence? Megawatts of Metallica and/or Slim Whitman administered 24/7. It worked on Noriega! Rock the Casbah (even if it's in Morocco)!