Thursday, February 10, 2011

"First One's Free"

Once again I have been the willing victim of what has to be the greatest scam in history.
I have calculated that the ink in the cartridge I just bought for my printer, if it were sold like other commodities, would cost $5,233.19 per gallon.
The purveyors of this precious fluid have apparently taken a lesson from drug dealers: "The first one's free." Indeed, my printer, which cost less than a decent meal in this town, came with a free cartridge. Now I'm hooked.

I guess we should be thankful that it's our printers and not our cars that run on this stuff.
$4.00 gas doesn't sound so bad when you consider that it would set you back $100,000.00 to fill the tank of your SUV with printer-cartridge ink.
To hell with oil--why aren't we drilling for ink?

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