Monday, January 31, 2011

"He's An S.O.B., But He's Our S.O.B."--Cordell Hull

The above quote has been credited to FDR's secretary of state in a discussion about the Dominican dictator, Trujillo.
I hope that Obama's state dept. has progressed beyond this attitude. Our current S.O.B. in Egypt, feudal relic Hosni Mubarak, is a reeking piece of human garbage that should have been thrown out decades ago.
Equally odoriferous is Secretary Clinton's ridiculous claim that we will support only "peaceful and orderly regime changes."
Right, Hillary--like the regime changes forced by our peaceful and orderly bombings of Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua . . .

It seems to me that America's foreign policy promise of "spreading democracy" demands our full support for the Egyptian uprising. Here's a chance for us to get it right for once.
Don't count on it.

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