Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"The Business Of America Is Business"

When Calvin Coolidge made this famous statement, business mostly meant producing goods in exchange for cash. Times have changed.

Unemployed Worker: "Glad to meet you. What do you do for a living?"
Wall Street Assclown: "I make money."
UW: "I mean, what do you do?"
WSA: "I told you, I make money."
UW: "That's a job, making money?"
WSA: "Sure."
UW: "But what is there at the end of the day that wasn't there before you went to work?"
WSA: "Nothing, just more money on my computer screen."
UW: "Wow! Can I find a job like that?"
WSA: "Sure. Go get an MBA from Harvard."
UW: "Where would I get the money to go to Harvard?"
WSA: "You borrow it from me, of course. Then I can put more money on my computer screen without getting my hands dirty. What the fuck's wrong with you?"

We used to have factories, now we have office buildings.
A corporation makes clavens that sell for $10, while paying 100 employees $20/hr. to sit in cubicles and push around information about the $10 dollar clavens--with money that only exists on computer screens provided by investors who produce nothing.

Yeah, I don't see why that won't work.

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