Friday, May 28, 2010

Tricky Footwork, But I Think Our Athletic President Can Manage It

Among the lessons of the Exxon Valdez disaster--such as, the technology to seal off catastrophic oil leaks does not exist--there is this:
BP will do whatever it can to screw the Gulf Coast out of reparations. It has already started.

20 years after the Prince William Sound spill, there are people here still waiting for their money. Exxon has used every legal loophole available to stall on its payments--and the strategy has worked. Many who were owed money have died. Many have settled for lesser sums. Many, out of frustration, have simply given up and moved on.
If Obama has one "boot on the neck of BP" to keep them working on the leak, he better have the other one up its ass to make sure that the folks down on the Gulf get what they have coming.

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