Saturday, May 1, 2010

Silence Of The Shams

Sarah Palin and her "Drill Baby Drill" supporters have not yet commented on the Louisiana oil spill.
I guess when you're busy dealing with the serious issues of Creationism, Death Panels, Obama's Phony Citizenship, Marxism In Elementary School Textbooks, The Global Warming Conspiracy, Gay Marriage, and The Myth of Racial Profiling, there's not much time left for small potatoes like the nation's worst environmental disaster.


Joe Karson said...

By the way, I believe that Obama's lifting of the moratorium on off-shore drilling was also bullshit. His re-enacting it AFTER the Gulf oil spill reminds me of TSA banning liquids from planes AFTER someone was caught with liquid explosives. They should have had the foresight. He should have had the balls to stop compromising with the oil companies in the first place. I know he's got a pair--I keep waiting for them to drop.

Unknown said...

....but Joe, he seems to be the one that they bought..........