Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our Connecticut Cowboy

Thinking back upon the 8-year disaster known as George W. Bush, several things amaze me. Among them is: How did a man born into one of the wealthiest, most privileged families in the country spin himself into a blue-collar hero. (I have never worked alongside a fellow carpenter who owned a 1,500 acre ranch or a seaside "family compound" in Maine. Where's your family compound?) I've also never worked with anyone who was a Yale cheerleader. (Now there's something to be chiseled in stone at the George W. Bush Presidential Library: First college cheerleader to become president.) So, how did a frat boy you'd wanna go on spring break with become a good ol' boy you'd wanna go have a beer with?
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Joe Karson, 203 W. 3rd ST., #D, Juneau, Ak. 99801 to receive "BASS MAN"--my humorous and insightful essay on Dubya and his relation to contemporary American society. $10.00 for a signed hard copy.

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