Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Paradise Lost

The mid-term elections were called a referendum on Obama, but I think that they were more of a referendum on the American people. And the results are simple--this country is just plain too conservative to permit any rapid change.
A liberal president taking office with a majority in both houses of Congress and what do we have to show for it? An expanded war and our wealthiest citizens given 2 more years to rob us blind.

We poke fun at the Tea Party but look at what they've accomplished. Obama and my fellow progressives have blown it again. In this Bible-thumping, greed-driven nation, I'm afraid that 2 steps forward and 3 back might be all we can ever hope for.

But at least were facing the Willie Nelson problem head on. What a joke! It's too bad Osama bin Laden isn't wanted for pot smoking--he'd be in Guantanamo Bay tomorrow. Say, didn't Obama promise to close down . . . OH FUCK, DON'T GET ME STARTED!

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