Sunday, December 12, 2010

Every Time A Working-Class American Is Screwed, An Angel Gets Its Wings

"Never give a sucker an even break." --W.C. Fields

It looks like the 237 millionaires who comprise 44% of Congress (opposed to 1% of the general public) are going to succeed in voting themselves a nice tax break.
I guess that the 99% of us who will be thrown a crumb are "collateral damage" in the class war being waged by our wealthy lawmakers.

And here's the best part--as soon as the new tax law passes, the millionaire assclowns who benefit the most are going to scream their heads off about how Obama has added another trillion to the deficit. Just wait and see.

The mathematics here is fascinating:
If you give a million working slobs one dollar apiece, that adds one million dollars to the deficit.
If you give one rich guy a million dollars, that's a million dollars invested in the economy.

60% of Americans believe in angels, 30% believe in Evolution. Can you blame the Washington shysters for attempting such obvious cons?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

god bless marketing and cable tv! change how you shop.