Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Guess She's A Moderate Again--But Not A Dangerously Extreme Moderate

The Alaskan political scene has never been more comical.
When Lisa Murkowski ran in the Republican primary against right-wingnut, Joe the Wannabe Senator, it was strictly a battle over who could be more conservative than thou. Moderate Lisa suddenly sounded like Sarah Palin.
Joe, backed by the Palin/Tea Party Express, won. Now Lisa has kicked off her write-in campaign by calling Joe a "dangerous extremist."
Amazing! In her say-anything, whatever-it-takes frenzy to keep her job, Lisa finally got something right.

(For those unfamiliar with candidate Joe Miller: The man opposes every environmental law in the book. He wants to abolish all entitlements including Social Security and Unemployment Insurance, has declared global warming a hoax, and will not deny being a "birther.")

1 comment:

doug said...

Tea Party = Hitler Youth