Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Maybe If He Sees His Shadow . . .

New information concerning the last administration's role in mistreating terrorist suspects has surfaced, and so has our former VP. Cheney has slithered into the daylight again to inform us that torture was sanctioned by the U.S. "because it's effective."
That's really good, Dick! Yes, torture is an effective form of interrogation, AND:
--Flying airliners into skyscrapers is an effective way to kill innocent civilians.
--Gas chambers are effective for committing genocide.
--Slavery is an effective form of cheap labor.
--Rape is an effective tool for terrorizing women.
--Cutting off hands is an effective way to keep people from stealing.

And turning America over to fools like Dick Cheney is an effective way to make us into the sort of people that the War On Terrorism is supposed to be battling.

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