Thursday, August 6, 2009

Greediest Nation?

The right-wing's fanatical resistance to health-care reform (witness the orchestrated thuggery at town hall meetings) is not just disgraceful--it's depressing.
Every other affluent democracy on earth regards the use of tax funds for universal health care to be natural and necessary. Here, in the wealthiest nation of all (the Pentagon would hardly notice the price of health care taken from its budget), this is seen as a radical, "socialistic" assault on our rights. The right to be a greed-crazed asshole? My god, animals care for their sick and elderly!
I need a drink.


woodie said...

Mr.K, you just dont get it! Just like that first toke of pot invariably leads to shootin heroin, so socialism's logical conclusion is communism and the destruction of religion. Ya want the gov't. deciding whether or not to euthanize your grandma?

Joe Karson said...

These reactionary fuckwads don't seem to understand that the government, through Medicare, already manages much of our end-of-life care.
I know of no instance where the Feds have told anyone when to pull granny's plug.

woodie said...

The gospel according to Sarah, who's now on the loose, says that Obama's plan is "evil" and that his "death panels" could exterminate her downs-kid and/or her aged mother. And hey, Sarah could'nt lie if she wanted to. She's been cleansed by the blood of jesus christ and had a witch doctor put the whammy on evil spirirs.