Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Well, it's Easter again, and I will spend the day meditating and reading the Bible (a best-selling novel filled with murder,suicide,torture,war,slavery,misogyny,bestiality,adultery,incest,genocide,homosexuality,and rape that Christians use to instruct their children.)
I will quietly contemplate the great theological mysteries:
How Adam and Eve's male offspring managed to populate the world, why Noah didn't know that the unicorns were gay, the number of pins you can stick in the head of an angel, and how they get that filling inside of a seamless chocolate Easter egg.


woodie said...

Welcome back J.K. Easter's the day christ comes out of his tomb. If he sees his shadow it means 6 more weeks of winter.

Elephantman said...

Thanks again Woodie. If there's any place in your neck of the woods to get a G.E.D. for middle school I suggest you give it a whirl. I decided not to check back on this site over the weekend suspecting some crass comment about Christianity such as woodie's ugly, deformed attempt at humor last Fri. Mr. Karson, maybe woodie's been a bad influence on you seeing as how your cheap shots about the Bible indicate about the same level of sophistication. I'm guessing those parts of the Bible (er, like the New Testament)upon which our laws are founded, and those parts pertaining to loving thy neighbor, doing unto others, charity etc., just zinged right over your head. I'm also guessing the only thing you see as half full is the bottle of booze in front of you. Is there nothing in your life that transcends mockery?

mjd6191 said...

If you are like most people who follow a belief that our laws are based on Judeo-Christian Theology (a misconception in itself), then the basis for law WOULD be the OLD Testament, most commonly cited by religious fundamentalists and zealots would be the 10 Commandments.
If you really want a historical basis for our laws, try the Code of Hammurabi
Most of our laws are based on the interpretation of a variety of sources (including but not exclusively, the Bible, both Old and New testament), local customs and beliefs, codified into some semblance of order to fit the prevailing wishes of the ruling party or masses at that time.
The belief that the New Testament that document that helped found Christianity is a peaceful and benevolent document is contradicted by the events of history, such as the Crusades, the 100 Years War, the discrimination and attacks at various times in history of: Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. all based on the interpretation of "The Good Book".
Criticism and mockery may be hurtful at times, but it is also a fair way to make a point, and it seems that your way of making a point is to mock or criticize that which you do not agree with as much as it Joe's way of making a point.

Elephantman said...

Thank you mjd6191 for your thoughtful and temperate comment. Without regressing thru the history of man's codification of morality I meant only to remind that the Judeo/Christian moral codes are to be respected as a significant source of inspiration for our modern day laws. I do understand that Christianity was not spontaneously generated; indeed I would imagine the ancient Greeks to have influenced Christian thought. Was Hammurabian code self generated or did it too draw from an earlier set or mores? I am also fully aware of the history of follies and failures of Christians throughout the ages. I suppose only the Quakers are above reproach. Christians are only successfully so only according to how closely they adhere to Christ's teachings. To paraphrase Ghandi, he had nothing against Christianity only some of it's followers. In the spirit of concession, I am guilty as accused of mockery and insult to make a point. I think myself & many of my political associates think our cause has not been well served by the admonition to "turn the other cheek" which many of our adversaries interpret as "become the doormat", and thus cynically assuming they can insult and mock our beliefs with impunity. In truth, that doesn't excuse me I suppose. But yet you assert that it "is a fair way to make a point". So what's a guy to do? Let me reiterate that Mr. Karson is fabulous at taking potshots at the icons of others but we still know nothing of his own.