Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Brain Waves

Scientists have recently discovered a difference in the brain-wave patterns between liberals and conservatives. This hardly surprises me. It's always seemed to me that we are hard-wired to be one way or the other and I've seldom seen anyone switch sides. Check out the comments on this blog!
Personally, I can no more support the conservative side of an issue than flap my arms and try to fly. Likewise for conservatives, I'm sure.

I'll simply never understand how people think that there is anything to be gained by going backwards. Look at these decisions: Should we remain an English colony or become our own democratic country? Should we retain slavery? Should women be given the vote? On all these issues the liberals were on the right side of history but conservative "values" had to be overcome before we could move on.
Some day people will look back at gay marriage, for instance, the way we now look back at slavery. It's inevitable--chiseled in stone.
Yet, because of the reactionaries amongst us, it's always 2 steps forward and 3 back. Just think where we could be today if we weren't always fighting those who long for the "good old days."


Jim said...

Darn tootin'!

If conservatives had their way we might all be sitting around campfires playing old time fiddle music.

Oh wait, we are.

Elephantman said...

Yeah, you're right. Just think where we'd be if weren't for having to spend time fighting people like me. Probably mailing our income tax to Moscow so the politburo could figure out whether to build new gulags in N. or S. Dakota to hold people like me.

woodie said...

Hey trunk face why trash the Dakotas. I'm thinking maybe northern Saskatchewan.