Friday, December 26, 2008

Put Christ Back in Christmas?

How about putting Christ back in Christianity!
Christ is the only thing I really like about Christianity, a religion that I find ridiculous (snake handling, speaking in tongues, medieval Catholic rituals) at best, and barbaric (gay bashing, denial of reproductive rights, support of fascist governments) at its worst.

It's hard to find fault with Jesus as a teacher riding around on a donkey telling people to mellow out. Going from that peaceful image to the Crusades, Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, and the hatred sewn by contemporary right-wing Christian fanatics is a testament to the ugliness of our species.

I recently heard a Baptist minister explain that God has made an exception regarding homosexuals and it's okay to hate them.
Maybe it's time for Jesus to get back on his ass and start mellowing-out his followers again.
Merry Christmas.

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