Monday, November 3, 2008

Decidedly B.S.

Dubya proclaimed himself "The Decider." The only expression of greater ignorance I have endured lately is from the voters declaring themselves "The Undecided." Give me a break!

Americans are hard-wired to vote one way or the other, and most settle on a candidate the day he's nominated. The Undecided expect me to believe that after being offered what they see as a slice of pie in one hand a bowl of shit in the other, they need some time to choose. "Hmmm . . . let me see now. What flavor pie is that?"

Are there really people who would allow a candidate's slip of the tongue on election eve reverse their entire political allegiance? Voters who claim to be forming a decision at this late date are fools, liars, or both. My advice to them is: On election day, stay home and play with your Ouija boards and tarot cards!

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