Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"This One's For You, Uncle Barack!"

Track Palin is heading for Iraq.
Don't be surprised if in the next 50 days we hear that he has:
1.) Thrown himself on top of a live grenade to save his platoon.
2.) Single-handedly captured Osama bin Laden.
3.) Taken a bullet to the chest that was miraculously deflected by a Bible presented to him by Sarah at his departure.
5.) Been wounded by an al-Qaida fanatic who shouted, "This one's for you, Uncle Barack!" as he attacked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Track:
If his birthday was listed on an old traffic violation as April 20th 1989, and his parents eloped August 29th, 1988, that would mean that he was born 7 months 21 days after his parents wedding. HMMM. eloped parents, mother gives birth after under 8 months of marriage...is there a possibility... could it be.. Did her royal holiness possibly get pregnant BEFORE the blessed ceremony???