Saturday, December 31, 2016

Soon To Be Revealed: The Secret Plan To Defeat Alec Baldwin

To those who keep shouting support for both our military and Donald Trump:
Trump has publicly bragged about dodging the draft during the Vietnam War and about all the fun he had while others served. He has insulted an American for being a POW, insulted the parents of a slain U.S. combat soldier for exercising their Constitutional right to observe the religion of their choice, and belittled every wounded American soldier in history by claiming to deserve a Purple Heart without ever serving in the military. He declares his support of American values while advocating torture, targeting the innocent relatives of terrorists, and championing a sociopath who considers gassing civilians and bombing hospitals to be legitimate battlefield tactics--and who has launched cyber-attacks against our own country. He sees no reason to avoid the use of nuclear weapons or halt the spread of those weapons to other nations. And, of course, he belongs to the political party that for the past eight years has blocked every attempt at raising veterans' benefits. The promises he made during his campaign to help vets have already been withdrawn. He has lied repeatedly about his own financial aid to vets, and brags about not paying his fair share of the taxes that help to support our military and veterans. This billionaire who says that "I always felt like I was in the military" because his parents sent him to posh military boarding schools, fought for years to have disabled veteran street vendors removed from his upscale Fifth Avenue properties because they "degraded the area." Top Pentagon brass have overwhelmingly rejected his foreign policy agenda as "disastrous," and all five living Commanders in Chief have declared him unfit for the job.
This is the man you want in charge of our military?

And now we have the incredible spectacle of the president-elect's opposition to our current Commander in Chief's action against Russia--his choosing the side of a foreign, autocratic thug over the leader of our democracy.
If we are to preserve that democracy, the American people are going to have to rise up and resist Donald Trump. Whatever it takes.

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