Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Washington Conservatives Give Selves Vote of No Confidence

What an embarrassing travesty the health care debate has become. Our senators and representatives in D.C. who oppose any government-run options for health insurance maintain that anything run by the federal government will be wasteful, corrupt, too expensive, inefficient, and doomed to failure. Hey--YOU ARE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!
These fools don't believe that they are competent enough to provide Americans with what has been accomplished in every other democracy in the world?
Considering that they have presided over the dumbest war in history and a collapse of the worldwide financial system in order to enrich a handful of greedheads, they might have a point.

1 comment:

woodie said...

As I see it, the unspoken modus operandi of corporate america and their congressional orcs, is on the count of three, everyone vocally "swarm" their hackneyed drivel in the halls of congress & on every media outlet available; a drone only punctuated by some loud-popular-buzz-scare-word or phrase. Thus effectively creating an irritating, nonsensical audio-static- interference on top of any rational debate. Like tryin to tune in a radio station. You can barely hear something coherent in the backround, but the static creates such a frustrating experience that you either change the channel or just turn it off. As always, republicants are masters of childish dirty tricks, scare tactics etc.,.... that work! I think Dems and Libs should use their more artsy selves to create some irresistable, arresting, scene stealing political theatre. Where are today's Dick Tucks and Abbie Hoffmans?