Monday, July 27, 2009

Take My Ex-Governor--Please!

Anyone catch Sarah's farewell speech yesterday? Prior to that speech I regarded our ex-governor as just another ignorant, corrupt politician--now I'm wondering if the woman isn't an antler short of a full rack.
The speech contained all the big-lies and paranoid ramblings generally reserved for ultra-right-wing hate-jocks on a.m. radio.
According to Sarah, the present administration in Washington is "hell-bent on tearing down our nation"; it wants to repeal the Second Amendment, outlaw hunting, and turn America into a socialist country where our lives will be totally controlled by the government.

Sarah's recent outreach to the Democrats was instantly rebuffed. Republicans, trying to revive their party by becoming more "mainstream," are starting to see her as a liability. It seems that the only safe political harbor for Sarah is the extremist, right-wing lunatic fringe--and they're welcome to her.

1 comment:

woodie said...

Hey maybe she and Dubya could go join that bizarre polygamist church down in Texas; you remember that one in the news so much about a year ago. Yeah baby! The one with the "sex-bed" in the "sex-room" behind the sanctuary. And while brother Caleb and brother Cletus watched she and Dubya could forneeecate and spawn a breed of indestructible, vapid, neo-con, super crap that could restore righteous moral order, privatize every government entity, and put a gun in every pot.