Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hey, I've Got Mine--Screw You!

What a disgusting display--conservative Republicans equating the defeat of desperately needed health-care reform with the defeat of Obama. These swine would rather have millions of Americans denied medical care than have a Democrat succeed at his job--the job of making this a better country.
How can these rich, comfortable hypocrites have the nerve to call themselves patriots?


woodie said...

In the words of several Calfifornia legislators and ex-governors, the U.S. like California, is becoming increasingly "ungovernable". What the hell, I hope the congress becomes more like the Taiwanese legislature, where fistfights and brawls are frequent occurences. Maybe even set up a wrestling ring on the senate floor and go at it WWF style. If you did that, the viewership numbers for C-Span would go through the roof! Interest in politics would skyrocket!.... Sen.Byrd in the purple trunks chewing on the ear of Mitch McConne in the lime green trunks. We need less talk and more blood!

Joe Karson said...

Actually, I'd like to see more fighting in the street--like back in the 60's.
Given the outrages of the last administration, it saddens me to see the complacency of the American public.