Saturday, March 5, 2011

Aptly Named For That Other Famous Tea Party--The One Attended By Alice?

Rest easy, folks. Our Tea Party patriots have finally found the solution to the current economic crisis. Minnesota's pious ex-governor and presidential hopeful, Tim Pawlenty, just laid it out for us in his finest Evangelical style:
"We need to cut corporate taxes!"

2/3 of American corporations pay no income tax. Do not adjust your computer screen, you read that figure correctly: TWO THIRDS.
Although my income put me below the official poverty line, last year I paid more income tax than ExxonMobil, General Electric, Bank of America, and Citigroup combined.
Despite record profits in the billions, our corrupt tax system allowed these giant corporations to pay nothing. ZERO. ZIP. ZILCH.
Now Bible-thumping hypocrites and phony patriots like Pawlenty want to give our millionaire Big Businessmen . . . More Tax Breaks.

Welcome to the alternate universe, the Alice-In-Wonderland calculus of Tea Party economics:
Tax breaks for those already paying no tax.

And who do you suppose is expected to pick up the slack for the patriotic millionaires cheating the treasury out of trillions?

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