Sunday, January 3, 2010

Too Good To Last

3 days into the new year and I'm still in a relatively good mood. I'm sure it will pass. Especially when every time I turn on the radio there's a newsperson telling me how we're starting a new decade. (Did all of these people flunk 3rd grade arithmetic? Is there some new way of counting to 10?) I'd also like to remind these same people that there is no "N" in the word "legitimate" and that "disconnect" is a verb. Ah shit, here I go again--it's hopeless . . . But you know, that steak really was good.

1 comment:

Erin Anais Hanson said...

Well, at least I'll be returning to the cantankerous Karson I know and love. See you soon (we're back on Tuesday)! Glad you had a good steak on new year's day.