Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a Waste!

You may have heard the news that scientists just discovered the most distant celestial object ever--a star 13 billion light years away. (This means that light traveling at 186,000 miles per second would take 13 billion years to arrive here!) The star is thought to be at least 600 billion years old.
Here's my question for the Fundamentalists:
If we humans are the unique creations of God and the world was created for us alone, what is all the rest of this vast universe for? It seems as if there is an awful lot of space and time going to waste out there.


woodie said...

Unfathomable. I heard another a few yrs. back, albeit a little more down to earth (heh, heh): an asteroid that passed fairly close to the earth, was approx. 1 mile in diameter and was traveling at 32 miles/sec. If it passed in front of your eyes, and assuming you weren't sucked into it's wake'd never see it. Hell, I probably couln't even see a Nolan Ryan fastball.

Joe Karson said...

Yeah, the Bible-thumpers are so lost in their own nonsense they can't see the true magic in the world as it is.

woodie said...

The funda mental ists are just there for entertainment purposes as far as I'm concerned. If I've had a bad day & need something to laugh at, I just turn on one of the too many religious channels that come with my cable package. It's the serious catholic types that dig at me. Theyre trained to take every mind blowing natural phenomenon, including all accomplishments of mankind, and through some complicated, convoluted manner of thinking, find a way to attribute all to god. Except the bad things. The devil & "secular humanists" are responsible for those.