Thursday, March 5, 2009

How Do Teetotalers Survive?

I believe neither in luck nor any other supernatural influences in our lives. There are days, however, that make me wonder. This has been one of them. Everything at work this morning went all to hell. Everything.
Shuffling around town during my lunch break, the sun suddenly came out--a rare occurrence around here. I instantly felt revived. Yes! I would persevere, make the most of this now beautiful day.
I went into the corner drugstore and bought a bottle of aspirin, which, annoyingly, came inside a small box. I did not dwell upon this stupid, wasteful packaging--the sun was out!
Back on the street I looked up at the mountains and let the sun warm my face. I took the aspirin bottle out of the offensive box--tossed it into one of our bear-proof, non-refundable trash barrels and put the empty box in my jacket pocket.
$9.00 shot to hell and not even a bear would benefit from my purchase.
I walked next door to the bar. This is something I do believe in. I am currently seated on a very comfortable stool. If they need me back at work, they will have to drag me off of it.

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