Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Levi Reveals Palin's True Motive--Plus a Subtle Distinction in Wasilla's Social Structure

Levi Johnston, the young man who nearly became Sarah Palin's son-in-law, has offered his own views on her resignation. He claims it's all about money. While engaged to Bristol he briefly lived with the Palins and says that he often heard Sarah complain that her duties as governor were interfering with her making some big bucks--speeches, talk shows, book deals, etc.
Palin dismissed this accusation as "fiction."
In order to bolster his credibility, Levi has explained that he is a "fucking redneck," not white trash as has been commonly alleged. Thanks for clearing that up, Levi! I'd hate to think that I was trusting the word of some common white trash when I could be getting reliable information from a "fucking redneck."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Another good one. Your blog had gone from an occasional indulgence to a must reed.