Sunday, March 1, 2009

It Was a STUNT, Folks--Get Over It!

It's unbelievable! This continuing nightmare spawned by candidate McCain's reckless campaign stunt.
People now associate Sarah Palin with Alaska, where nearly everyone considers her to be a joke. Tourists want to visit Wasilla, the one place most Alaskans would rather keep a secret.
I don't know where the press got those picturesque photos of the Palin homestead. In reality, a typical Wasilla residence would be a trailer with a plastic-tarp roof and a yard strewn with used Pampers and empty cough medicine bottles. The town hall is a meth lab and its official crest is a prison tattoo. If the place serves any purpose, it's to supply the state with criminals and Bible-thumping lunatics dedicated to maintaining Alaska's national leadership in domestic violence, incest, and child molestation.
I keep thinking I'm going to wake up.
Are these candidates for the Jerry Springer Show really being considered as our next First Family?
Have 8 years of George Bush softened the American brain to the point that it will allow a desperate publicity stunt turn Sarah Palin into a world leader?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasilla sounds like my kinda town. "Let's get stoned on meth, pull each other's rotten teeth out with needle-nosed vise grips, & fuck in the mud!"