Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yes Prudential, There Is A Santa Claus

Congratulations to the insurance industry for receiving the best Christmas gift ever: 30 million new customers--who they can continue screwing as usual. (Yes, they will have to accept the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions but there is nothing to keep them from charging these individuals, or the taxpayers subsidizing them, at several times the standard rate.)

Rather than develop the single-payer option enjoyed by every other civilized democracy in the world, Washington has chosen to stick with insurance care over health care.
Wealthy investors are already scrambling to by stock in the major insurance companies. In other words, Wall Street and the giant corporations have won again and the American citizens have lost.

Obama says he is 90 per cent satisfied with the health-care bill. This reminds me of the Los Vegas casinos that advertise "Guaranteed 90 per cent Winners!" They guarantee that for every dollar spent by the suckers they will get $.90 back. Not a bad deal compared to what just got pulled on the U.S. taxpayer.


woodie said...

Life in a corporatrocy.

Joe Karson said...

Sometimes I wonder why we have elections. Why not just turn the country over to the corporations and be done with it?
If this bill passes, the executives at AIG will have no trouble continuing to receive the 6-million-dollar bonuses they were paid this year. And we taxpayers spent billion in bail-out money to keep this gravy train rolling.

woodie said...

As you've voiced before, at least half of our military expeditions are tended by Blackwater Inc. "Free" enterprise drug companies make it so we can't get cheaper drugs from Canada. Normalized relations with Cuba will occur if and when corporations deem it in their interests to make it so. It's a "democracy" of corps., by corps., and for corps. Lastly, I read this morning an article by one long time Afghan observer who claims that less than 100 members of Al-Queda remain in Afghanistan; like cockroaches, they simply move next door. Keep those munition plants a-humming!