Friday, June 19, 2009

Some People are Gay--Get Over It!

With all the serious issues facing the nation, I can't believe that our legislators are still debating the "problem" of gay rights.

Gay Marriage:
Some people have red hair, some people have blue eyes, some people are gay. According to the Constitution, as it stands, they all have equal rights. It's that simple!

Gays in the Military:
Nothing needs to be asked, told, or anything else. We have laws covering sexual harassment. Homosexuals in uniform, like heterosexuals, are subject to these laws--and the penalties for breaking them. It's that simple!


1 comment:

woodie said...

Hey, Mr. J.K. A news nugget just appeared about the Nixon-era movie "Deep Throat". Just thought I'd keep you "ahead" or "abreast" of "up and coming things." Ah, the good ol days. "Member" that old one? "Nixon saw "Deep Throat" twice before he got it down Pat!"