Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sexual Politics

Interesting that the dittoheads like to bring up sex.
It's quite understandable. In many ways, the hateful attitude of these people is The Revenge of the Nerds.
Limbaugh's relentless misogyny betrays an obvious sexual frustration.
Way back when right-wing nemesis, Bill Clinton, was "making love, not war," guys like Limbaugh and O'Reilly were going to Young Republican meetings. They may be the only 2 people to live through the Sexual Revolution without getting laid.
More recently, while Clinton was getting busy with a young intern, O'Reilly was busy getting busted for making obscene phone calls. While Clinton was still sewing his wild oats, the closest O'Reilly could get to sex was wagging his weenie at a telephone.
Is it any wonder these people are so filled with hate?


Elephantman said...

Oh, I see. O'Reilly & Rush are hate filled. But you're all peace, love, & flowers? Gimme a break. I notice in your bio that your hobby is drinking. What flavor of kool-aid?

Joe Karson said...

Not Marxist Red, as you might think. I am actually a supporter of the American deomocratic system. Only in a free society like ours could you have such choices for moral leadership:
A drug addict on the radio, a sexual predator on TV.

Elephantman said...

Nice to know you're so enamored of our free society. There's no shortage of blues (smurfs) who rattle on about free expression but are haughtily intolerant of those who disagree with them. And it may come as a surprise to you, but I don't look to political pundits for "moral leadership". For that I turn to the Church.

Jim said...

kickin' back, eatin' some popcorn and enjoying the show.. fun stuff.

woodie said...

Looks like the E-man, like an e-virus, won't pack up his trunk and go away. I've always held that those who go to church the most are the ones who need it the most.

Elephantman said...

Thanks for your adolescent input woodie. As long as Mr. Karson will have me or until I become sufficiently bored, I'll continue to shine a beam of light in this little "smurf city". There are any number of smurf cities such as this on the net and as a little guilty pleasure I enjoy posting in and sprinkling on some counterpoint to help maintain balance in the universe. Perhaps like a cosmic Lone Ranger come to crack open the door and let out some of the too-often-recycled carbon dioxide.

Rachel said...

Once again, Elephantman has missed the point.
1) Joe was not "whining" about his socioeconomic status, he was pointing out that because of it, the judicial system is biased against him.
2) Joe has never claimed to be a "real journalist," so your asinine comparison is ridiculous.
3) I have never, nor would I ever attempt to phone Limaugh, for I do not enjoy the sensation of nausea, and this would surely be the result of hearing his voice live over the phone waves.
4) As for your self-righteous claims about your own quest to spread enlightenment, all your comments amount to are insults toward those of us who dare to disagree with your heroes. No one has stated on this blog that Rush and O'Reilly represent all republicans (although apparently they represent you), nor have we claimed to be full of warm and fuzzy feelings ourselves. I, personally, am an equal opportunity hater. I hate people in general, regardless of race, creed or political affiliation (insert sense of humor here, oh, wait, you don't have one). It eases my frustrations toward the influence that these two "men" have over the humorless masses to read and respond to witty blogs like Joe's, and helps to quell my outrage that because of supporters like you these frothing, despicable, morons get as much air time as they do. If Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Beck and others were not being listened to by so many undereducated Americans, I would be happy to ignore their inane, and often insane rantings.
5) As a self-proclaimed Christian, are you not supposed to practice non-judgment and forgiveness? This might explain why you can look past the transgressions of Limbaugh and O'Reilly, but what about the rest of us? Perhaps you should spend more time in the pews and less time coming up with cutesy names for those you call liberals.
Finally, a comment for all: Just because a person is a major stock holder in Pfizer, and knows where to find an underprivileged working girl, does not mean that he has ever been PROPERLY laid.

Elephantman said...

Hoooooweee doggies Rachel! What a tongue lashin! Talk about Rush frothing & fuming. But to the comments therein. I do stand corrected. Mr. Karson did not claim to be a journalist and in fact quite honestly posited himself as an entertainer. Apparently his musings provide you some relief from your professed "outrage", and isn't that the aim of entertainment? To offer some relief? And yet isn't true that blog sites may indeed fall under the aegis of journaling, a public diary if you will of one's thoughts & opinions on current events? I suppose that's a matter for academics. I do take issue with one of your presumptions however; I never said I was "Christian". How do you know I'm not Wiccan or Unitarian (c'mon now there's some sense of humour)? Getting back to Mr. Karson's blogging, his observations and witicisms are decidedly leftist and sarcastically aimed at anything conservative which of course triggers the wisecrack reflex in me. Maybe I shouldn't; but why let him have all the fun? And by the way, we're all familiar with the targets of his quips but little is known about his inspirations. Now,concerning what you consider my predilection for insult instead of substance, are you the same Rachel who in an earlier post referred to Rush as, "a big fat anti-patriotic fuck"? You don't seem like the type to hold back when you're pissed. Finally, inasmusch as you saved the most provocative for last, and I know you'll cleverly deflect this, but inquiring minds are just dying to know just exactly what you mean by being PROPERLY laid.

woodie said...

Shit man. I just typed out a great comeback to the E-man and lost it when I forgot to type out that crazy nonsense name. There is one thing I remember saying to the E-man though. Fuck you! Rachel's right on the money. You dead brains miss the point on just about everything. You, just like this other deadbrain I work with in my shop, and me could both witness someone gettin mugged. I'd try and take down the mugger, you'd find a way to say the muggee caused it and defend the mugger. There's only one interest you & me have in common. What does Rachel mean by being PROPERLY laid?

Rachel said...

Last time I checked unitarians ARE Christians, and as far as I know, Wiccans do not attend churches. To my knowledge, Christians, the homeless and the really, really bored are the only people who go to church.
Once again you have missed my point. When I wrote that you are insulting, I was pointing out that your attitude is contradictory to your statement that you are just trying to, "shine a beam of light," as a self-titled, "cosmic lone ranger, maintaining balance in the universe," (I just threw up in my mouth a little). I, on the other hand have already stated that I possess no warm and fuzzy feelings toward my species, and do not claim to be writing in order to enlighten.
In answer to the question posed by you and Woody, I can write only this:
Being properly laid does not involve payment, breeding, pharmaceuticals or running off to confession or jail afterward, and when it happens, you know it. To be any more descriptive than that would place me in danger of exciting you, and my purpose is not to stir positive feelings in ones who I can only assume are born again. As one who was, and I am borrowing from Karson here, "Born okay the first time," I will simply continue on feeling grateful that I do not have to physically interact with people like you in my line of work, nor in my social existence. Was that clever enough a deflection for you?

Elephantman said...

Wow! You don't disappoint. You're no shrinking violet in print; can't imagine what you're like in person. I can only assume one wouldn't walk away feeling any warm fuzzies, unless he were a Klingon. Sorry, but in an earlier post you when cast yourself as an equal opportunity "hater", you passed it off as humour. Referring to dislike of our species a second time, you come off like your serious. That is, the first instance may be taken for dry wit. But not the second. So did I miss the "point" the first time or the second? Any chance you have a "chip on your shoulder" (can't think of any think of any psychotherapeutic term) and can't see some humour in some of my sarcasm? Mr. Karson maybe refers to Gov. Palin as white trash or trailer trash let's say in the midst of one of his clever quips, and that evokes a smile or a chuckle for you. But when I attempt (and I know I sometimes fall short) to do the same you relexively deposit me in the "insulting trash-out-bin" because of your bias. Believe me, I could think of a lot worse things to call you than a "smurfette". But the Lord would probably smite me down. And by the way I've never seen a bloody crucifix in a unitarian church. Lastly I'd like to compliment you on the delivery of your answer to the mystery of the "PROPERLY LAID". It was a masterful deflection. As for your exciting me ya never know. Look at Carville and Matalin.

woodie said...

I just gotta complete the love triangle. Rachel I'm pretty much in line with your politics and your disdain for right wingnuts like the E-man. But in the bedroom, boy I don't know. At the risk of your wrath, it does sound like you're not kind who'd look into the deep well of a guy's eyes (or a girl's I guess) and say "I wanna have your babies". As for pharmaceuticals, I haven't had the need for viagra yet, but a little codiene washed down with a shot of whiskey every once in a while can enhance any warm fuzzies that may come over me. Hey E-man, it's good friday, where are you going to "hang out" today? Yeah, yeah, I know I gotta grow up. Yeah right so I can be like you?

Elephantman said...

Uh, woodie, I'll likely be hanging around someplace today where my prayers for you, Rachel, et.al are more likely to be heard. I have to say that when I picture you I think of some guy out of the X-files who comes out of his mother's attic just long enough to rob from her purse some cash to score more pot. And hopefully Mr.Karson will soon be able to pull himselfl off his beloved barstool long enough to post another political observation. I'm sure he must have heard Karl Rove's comment about comrade Biden today. Hurry Mr. Karson I may be falling under Rachel's spell.