Monday, June 30, 2008

"Good Morning, We're Here to Spread the Good News About Pornography!"

Just listened to a well-known evangelist go on and on about how we are being "bombarded with pornography."
Funny, but I've never answered the door on a Sunday morning and faced a family of strangers trying to sell me porn. I've never checked into a hotel and found that a national organization has left porn in the nightstand. Two pages of my twenty-page local newspaper, and two out of three of my local TV stations have not yet been devoted to porn once a week. I've never walked through an American town and found the landscape dominated by enormous pornographic symbols, erected on tax-exempt property.

We are being bombarded in this country, and it sure ain't with porn.


hillpagan said...

ha ha imagine how many people would find it a pleasant surprise if there were a bit of porn provided with their room...

Anonymous said...

touche sir